Building Executive Presence for Aspiring CEOs

Jul 30, 2024 | Careers

Many managers aspire to take on the role of CEO. Attaining this holy grail of upward mobility is not easy. It requires a combination of soft and hard skills that don’t come naturally to many.

However, you can bring yourself closer to your dreams by adopting an executive presence. An executive presence is an attitude that establishes you as a leader. Most define the main characteristics of an executive presence as gravitas, strong communication skills, and a commanding appearance, but it requires so much more than that.

What is Gravitas?

Gravitas is defined as “dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner”. It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun at work. However, it can be expressed through the following traits.

  • Confidence: Leaders must be confident when leading teams. They can become more confident by developing their skills and acquiring knowledge. They should speak and move confidently to promote mutual respect.
  • Decisiveness: CEOs are faced with various tough decisions, but they can’t show signs of stress or indecision. Making rash decisions isn’t a solution either. Leaders must show action in the face of indecisiveness by promising teams they will have a decision by a specific date. They can review data to determine the best moves for their company.
  • Inclusiveness: Integrity was once a cornerstone of the gravitas profile, but it is now replaced with inclusiveness. An inclusive mindset does more than welcome all cultures. It invites a wide range of insight that is conducive to growth.
  • Respect: Respect breeds respect. Leaders must show respect for their superiors, their underlings, and themselves. They must consider all opinions and demonstrate that they value their stakeholders.
  • Vision: CEOs should have a vision for their business. They should have clear goals in mind. They should see where they want their company to be in a set amount of time and work on making it a reality.
  • Integrity: Integrity may have lost some ranking power, but it still makes the list. It means you have values and beliefs that you are willing to fight for. It breeds respect in various aspects of business.


Communication is an integral part of leadership. Here are the tenets of strong communication in today’s business communities.

  • Superior Speaking Skills: A leader should speak powerfully and clearly and use proper grammar. They should inspire the people they are speaking to.
  • Command of a Room: When a leader enters a room, they should command attention. More importantly, they should capture and maintain attention during speaking events. This characteristic should carry over to online events and Zoom meetings.
  • Careful Listening: Communication is about more than getting your point across. It’s about listening to others. Leaders should actively listen by asking questions, paying attention to body language, and seeking out feedback.
  • Authenticity: Leaders may need to develop several skills to attain a CEO role, but they should not lose their sense of authenticity. They must ensure their personalities, beliefs, and values come through in everything they do. Leaders who are not authentic will alienate their teams and clients and lose their footing in the industry.

Appearance Traits

Appearance may seem shallow, but a leader that doesn’t look impressive won’t be impressive. You may not need to get plastic surgery and get a new high-fashion wardrobe, but here are some improvements you may consider making.

  • Polished Look: A polished look means everything is in place. Your hair is neat, and your clothes are clean and matching.
  • Fitness/Vigor: It is not necessary to be perfectly in shape, but leaders who are out of shape may exhibit low levels of fitness in the office. They do not have the energy to lead their teams. Issues like this can lead to reduced respect levels.
  • Curation of Online Image: CEOs are often googled on social media. It’s important to promote an image that matches your professional persona. That doesn’t mean you can’t show a tender moment with your family, but avoid posting photos of your night out partying.
  • Show Up in Person: Appearance also refers to your ability to make appearances. Show your teams that you are accessible by meeting with them in person when possible. Don’t limit interactions to online meetings.

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