Navigating the Journey from Manager to CEO

Jul 1, 2024 | Careers

So, you’ve made it to manager. There’s only one way up from here. With the right strategies, you may attain the coveted role of CEO.

The journey from manager to CEO is not easy, but it’s not impossible. The following tips will help you achieve your goal.

Strategies that Will Help You Move from Manager to CEO

Take Part in Complex Projects

The first step involves showing initiative. You must establish yourself as a leader in your company. You can do this by stepping up to demonstrate your willingness to take part in complex projects.

Step outside the box by volunteering for projects that are time-sensitive, risky, and uncertain. You will have the opportunity to showcase your leadership and decision-making skills. You will establish yourself as a VIP with the ability to take the helm.

Gain Relevant Skills

Many managers spend years participating in complex projects but still don’t develop the specific skillsets the CEOs at their companies must possess. You may show you have the necessary soft skills, but hard skills are another matter. Necessary skills vary from company to company and may include financial expertise, research and development, marketing, and more.

You may become better qualified for a CEO position by considering the skills an executive in your company must possess. You may take classes that increase your proficiency or take on real-world projects that increase your qualifications. Make your superiors aware of your new skillsets to establish yourself as the right candidate.

Make Your Intentions Known

Your superiors may not be aware of your intentions to become CEO unless you ask. Let the higher-ups know you are targeting this position and ask them what it takes to qualify. Check-in for regular assessments to determine your progress.

Skills That Will Increase Your Leadership Potential

Necessary CEO hard skills vary depending on the company, the industry you work in, and other factors. However, several soft skill sets will increase your CEO potential regardless of the company you work for. Here are some to consider.

Forward Thinking

A forward-thinking project manager will consider long-term goals. You can showcase these skills by participating in strategic planning and demonstrating your thought processes align with the company’s future objective. Research trends and technologies that may affect outcomes and mention them in meetings to show you’ve done your homework.

Risk Taking

Establish yourself as a leader by showing you are willing to take risks. Risks should be calculated to demonstrate you wouldn’t put the company in danger. Today’s leaders rely on data to make important decisions. Utilize analytics to take your company in the right direction.


Optimism is a crucial trait in the workplace. It means you can maintain a positive outlook in the face of challenges. It motivates others and shows you focus on opportunities. It helps build a more resilient workforce.

Not Afraid to Act

Leaders are thinkers and doers. When opportunities and obstacles arise, you must show you are ready to deal with them head-on. However, action can be related to risk. Think about the outcomes of your actions before moving forward.

Seek Out Feedback

A leader must grow with their company, and this starts at the project management phase. Seek out feedback to identify areas of improvement and growth. You may not always get the feedback you desire, but graceful acceptance of criticism will help you attain your goals.

High Emotional Intelligence

CEOs work closely with teams. They must understand the needs of team members, stakeholders, and colleagues, and that requires more than basic communication. Project managers who actively listen by asking questions, paying attention to body language, and developing empathy will achieve higher levels of growth.

A Zen-Like Attitude

Showcase your skills by maintaining composure in stressful situations. Mindfulness and stress-reducing activities will help you control your stress reactions. They will also prevent you from making compulsive decisions that can negatively affect outcomes.

Build Trust

Trust is a two-way street. Show colleagues and stakeholders you trust them. Be transparent in your practices. Doing so will build strong relationships and establish you as a reliable team player.


Managers who practice inclusiveness will build diverse teams that allow for various insights. They will also contribute to a strong company culture. Ensure multiple viewpoints are considered in your decision-making processes.

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Additional Career Resources

The CEO’s Guide to Personal Branding

Negotiation Mastery: Essential Techniques for CEOs

The CEO’s Blueprint for Navigating the Path from Startup Founder to CEO


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