C-Suite Salaries Are Now Subject to Cuts During Tough Times

C-Suite Salaries Are Now Subject to Cuts During Tough Times

As companies start to trim down spending and lay-off workers, the c-suite is starting to see salaries cut. Before the pandemic, c-suite salaries were often left alone in tough times, but now that it is 2023, a popular practice is to cut base pay. Below you will learn...

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How Do You Build a Good Corporate Board?

How Do You Build a Good Corporate Board?

How should corporate boards be developed and evaluated? Following is an older, but important and still timely "thesis" on how to structure the work of a board, but also how we manage the social system a board actually is. As reported by HBR on September 2002 by...

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10 Leadership Types For CEOs

10 Leadership Types For CEOs

Do you know the type of leader you are? There are many benefits to understanding the different approaches of leadership, such as flexibility, self-awareness, and building a strong foundation. Below you will learn 10 leadership styles you should know about by...

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Do CEOs Need COOs?

Do CEOs Need COOs?

Chief Operating Officer (COO) must be trustworthy, and the CEO must actually like working with them. Having a COO might be the most important factor in success in the leadership team. Below you will learn the benefits of having a COO on your team.   As reported by...

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Top 10 CEOs Who Make More Than $100 Million A Year

Top 10 CEOs Who Make More Than $100 Million A Year

Have you ever wondered who the top paying CEOs are? You might be shocked by this statistic. Chief executives at Pinterest, Peloton and Hertz are out-earning Apple’s Tim Cook. Below you will learn about the CEOs who pull in more than $100 million a year. As reported by...

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How CEOs Can Build and Manage Effective Virtual Teams

How CEOs Can Build and Manage Effective Virtual Teams

In today's changing business landscape, the traditional concept of office space is evolving. With advancements in technology and a growing focus on achieving work-life balance, virtual teams have become a component of organizations. As a CEO mastering the art of...

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